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About Us

No Plastic Uniforms advocates for sustainable clothing for primary and secondary students.  We aim to empower students to research the environmental, health, and social impact of their school's uniform, and to lobby for change. We seek to contribute to schools' efforts to promote fundamental British values, in particular "how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process." 

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Hugo Keane

Hugo is a secondary school student in London.  In primary school he did an analysis of the environmental damage of the packaging in drinks sold at the school's movie nights. He wrote to Innocent and got them to donate drinks in recyclable cans.  After he started secondary school, Hugo did the analysis featured in this website of the environmental impact of his school uniform.  Since 2022, he has been lobbying his school to make the uniform environmentally sustainable.  He has been a Student Councillor since he was in year 6.  He has been short-listed for a London Eco Champions Award.


He has never worn his school's polyester PE kit or blazer.  

Alexandra Milenov

Alexandra is Hugo's mother.  She worked for the United Nations investigating war crimes and advocating for victims.  She is active in her children's school communities.

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